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Trademark Licensing in Singapore

Abstract Trademark is a type of intellectual property consisting of a recognizable sign, design, or expression which identifies products or services of a particular source from those of others. Trademarks licensing is an agreement through which the Trademark owner permits…

Patent Royalty Agreement

INTRODUCTION The royalty agreement of patent means that a person having the patented products is ready to delegate his exclusive rights to some extent in the form of license to a person who shall be known as a licensee who…

Microsoft and LG Renew Patent Cross License Agreement

Microsoft Corp. and LG Electronics Inc. have announced in REDMOND, Washington. on Aug. 19, 2018 that they have entered into a patent cross-license agreement to further the development of the company’s current and future product lines. This agreement between Microsoft…

Trademark Licensing in India

One of the drastic turnarounds caused by the introduction of the new Trade Marks Act, 1999, repealing the old Trade Marks Act, 1958 was broadening the definition of the phrase ‘permitted use’. In the new Act, the use of a…

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