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IP Commercialization Support/Licensing Support


The true value of Intellectual Property (IP) lies in its commercialization and not in its mere creation and development. IP drives mergers and acquisitions and helps companies establish themselves industry leaders. Firms gain a competitive edge through the strategic organization and execution of IP-related activities, creating significant value in their products. Intellectual Properties are critical assets that ignite growth, attract investments, and transform dormant potential into profitable ventures. IP is the most powerful commercial asset for any business, especially when leveraged through networking.

In India, the commercialization of IP remains underdeveloped. Companies must actively manage and promote their IP portfolios, shaking off dormant inventories. Just like physical property, IP can be leased, transferred, acquired, and mortgaged, either temporarily or permanently. Changing the traditional mindset is crucial, as Indian companies have historically undervalued IP as a revenue source. By recognizing and harnessing the potential of their IP assets, companies can unlock new streams of revenue and drive significant growth.


IIPRD has a team of seasoned professionals who have in depth understanding of IP Commercialization and Out-Licensing issues, and have been working in this direction for about a decade and can help the corporates in: –

  • Identifying Patents and Allied IP that can be Out-Licensed or In-Licensed through various modes
  • Finding compatible Licensees on modes and terms that would best harness the commercialization potential of the concerned IP
  • Providing end-to-end support to best commercialize the Intellectual Properties and provide complete support to finalize and go through the transactions such as Due-Diligence, Negotiation, Technology Evaluation, Valuation, Contractual agreements including monitoring or royalty payment

Our deep understanding and strategic approach enable us to deliver exceptional value and support to our clients in maximizing their IP assets.

Our Approach

IIPRD follows a simple yet effective Two-Step approach for Patent and IP Commercialization, be it for Global Companies wanting to Out-License their technologies in India or Abroad or Indian Corporates/Institutes/Individuals wanting to Out-License their Patented or Pending Applications in India or other desired geographies.

Step One: Comprehensive Due Diligence and Commercial Evaluation (CE)

The first step involves comprehensive Due-Diligence and Commercial Evaluation (CE) of the Patent/Technology/Product intended to be Out-Licensed. This step helps IIPRD understand the market potential of the technology, competing products, pricing strategies, potential licensees, strength of Patent protection, coverage and enforceability of the concerned patent among other commercial and technical issues.

Step Two: Strategic Technology Presentation and Licensing

Once the commercial evaluation comes out positive, IIPRD takes the technology forward through an expansive product/technology presentation to all potential licensees and how the same would add value proposition to their product portfolio. IIPRD executes this complete step largely on a success basis and carries out all steps of commercialization including approach, proposition, evaluation, negotiation, and finalization through measured and defined strategies.

This methodical approach ensures that each step is aligned with the goal of maximizing the technology’s market potential and delivering significant value to all stakeholders involved.

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