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Global patent Licensing

Global Patent Licensing

Introduction Global licensing of patents has become a major aggregator in pushing growth of technology and industries in the world at large. The intellectual property sector is booming and one major reason is people having realised the importance of owning…

Patent Licensing

Patent Licensing: Opportunities And Obstacles

INTRODUCTION The patent owner can transfer his rights over his patent to the third person with a mutual agreement containing the terms and conditions. By obtaining this license, the licensee can make, sell, and use a patented invention. Documentation and…

Microsoft Cross Licensing

Microsoft grants licenses to companies under fair and reasonable terms. It is important for the company claiming license to adhere with the Microsoft’s IP licensing policy. The process for granting license is non-exclusive and is based on “commercially reasonable” terms…

Trademark Licensing in India

One of the drastic turnarounds caused by the introduction of the new Trade Marks Act, 1999, repealing the old Trade Marks Act, 1958 was broadening the definition of the phrase ‘permitted use’. In the new Act, the use of a…

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