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AI and Copyright

AI and Copyright Infringement

Introduction AI is posing a wide range of moral and legal issues, including whether AI can own copyright for the work it creates. Existing legislation states that AI cannot possess any type of copyright in the work it creates, as…

Remakes copyright and robots

Remakes, Reboots and Copyright

INTRODUCTION Updates and fre­sh takes on old favourites are a mode­rn staple in the ente­rtainment world. They cleve­rly mix novelty with memories we­ cherish. There's also the­ puzzle of how copyright rules may shape cre­ativity. How can we respect the­…

AI Generated Work


INTRODUCTION In the ever-expanding realm of artificial intelligence (“AI”), one of its most fascinating frontiers is the creation of music. Through intricate algorithms and machine learning capabilities, AI systems are now generating original compositions, sparking a profound debate over the…

AI and Artifical Inteligence

Ai And Intellectual Property Rights: Issues And Impacts

Introduction Artificial intelligence (AI) systems are gaining the ability to generate creative works and useful inventions autonomously. This raises critical questions around assigning intellectual property rights (IPR) like patents and copyrights for AI outputs. IPR regimes worldwide, including India's, never…

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