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Sociological Impact of Covid-19 on Digital World

COVID-19 & DIGITALISATION IMPEDIMENTS The technology is oft-mentioned as a boon and the Covid-19 has played a crucial role in making this boon a norm in Indian society. The immediate lockdown and restrictions imposed so as to curb the spread…

Data Portability

Data Portability and AI

Introduction The significance of the topic stems from the fact that data created by virtual assistants can be both sensitive and valuable, and it is imperative that users have the autonomy to manage and utilize their data according to their…

Wearable Technology- Who Owns The Data?

The 21st Century is the era of the technology. Children born in the 2000s and the late 90s are born along with or grown up around the increased use of technology.  Everyday chores are now assisted by technology. Some are…

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