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Whodunit?! AI Generative Works and Personality Rights of Artists

Introduction Personality rights have been recognized to be protected rights under common law and IPR law. These rights protect a person’s domain and control over how they want to project and communicate their image to the larger masses. It naturally…

Data Portability

Data Portability and AI

Introduction The significance of the topic stems from the fact that data created by virtual assistants can be both sensitive and valuable, and it is imperative that users have the autonomy to manage and utilize their data according to their…

Color of Pharma Industry

The Colours in Pharma industry

Introduction Emergency use products such as inhalers also possess an inherent "stickiness" factor, as patients are unlikely to switch to a different brand easily once they have grown accustomed to using a specific inhaler, especially in urgent situations. For example,…

Intellectual Property23

Analysis of IP Redressal Mechanism in India

Introduction Recently, in response to a writ petition addressed to it, the Madras High Court has reinstated the need for a remedial institution in order to cater to the disputes revolving around Intellectual Property. It has furthered the establishment of…


License to Translate a Literary Work

Introduction The petitioner wants to translate and publish Madeleine Slade's autobiography, "The Spirit's Trip," in Marathi. Madeleine Slade is more commonly known by her stage name, Mira Behn. According to the decision, the petitioner is prepared and eager to pay…

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