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Block Chain Technology

Blockchain and IP

BLOCKCHAIN AND IP The phrases "Blockchain" and "Intellectual Property (IP)" don't initially appear to be synonymous because the former refers to a relatively new technology and the latter to a collection of legal protection mechanisms for such technologies. Blockchain was…


IP And Metaverse

A continuous, shared, and immersive 3D environment called the metaverse is where users re expected to connect, play, and work. It is regarded as the mobile internet's substitute. Our real lives and our virtual lives are becoming more and more…

Role Of NFTs In The Fashion Industry: An Overview

Introduction Recently, a new trend of merging blockchain technology with the creative intellectual property via non-fungible tokens ("NFTs") had taken place. The idea has spread across all market sectors, and now luxury fashion retailers have joined the tokenization bandwagon. The…

Smart IP: Blockchain Technology in China

What is blockchain? Blockchain is open ledger of information where people can record and track transactions which can be exchanged and confirmed on a peer-to-peer network. It allows multiple users to verify the transaction & control how record of information…

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