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Role Of NFTs In The Fashion Industry: An Overview

Introduction Recently, a new trend of merging blockchain technology with the creative intellectual property via non-fungible tokens ("NFTs") had taken place. The idea has spread across all market sectors, and now luxury fashion retailers have joined the tokenization bandwagon. The…

Limited Edition Products and their IP Protection

Every renowned business has some products that they launch separately. They are launched either for a special occasion or simply the sale of first impression products. These products are named “Limited Editions”. These items have restricted production and remain in…

Beijing Treaty: A Silver Lining to Audiovisual Performers

Introduction The Audiovisual industry is a sunrise sector for the economy and making significant strides. It is a multi-billionaire industry having the compelling power to jump-start the underdeveloped economy. Nashville was once a struggling city of the USA, where just…

Web Scraping and Intellectual Property Rights

The Internet is glutted with the presence of a myriad variety of goods and services. These goods and services present online that form the bread and butter for business are a protected product/content that is categorized as intellectual property and…

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