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Naked Licensing

Keeping the Eminence Safe Through Naked Licensing

Introduction A trademark helps a consumer obtain goods and services of a certain quality and reduces their confusion related to the goods and services. The importance of the quality of the items offered under a brand has increased with the emergence of…

Trademark Licensing in Singapore

Abstract Trademark is a type of intellectual property consisting of a recognizable sign, design, or expression which identifies products or services of a particular source from those of others. Trademarks licensing is an agreement through which the Trademark owner permits…

Licensing Of Trademark

Trademark licensing is a process through which a registered trademark owner (licensor or proprietor), allows another party, called a licensee, to make or distribute or do both for specific products or services under the licensor's trademark agreement. The licensor receives…

Intellectual Property (IP) Licensing Laws In Thailand

The word Intellectual Property (IP) signifies the creations of the human mind. For instance, literary and artistic works; inventions; designs; symbols, names and images used in commercial ventures. Even though, Intellectual Property is an extremely powerful tool for economic development…

Character Merchandising, Through Trademark Licensing

Character merchandising promotes a character, fictional or real, through portraying its essential personality features, such as its appearance, sound, image, or name by way of various goods or services. Merchandising is regarded as lawful when it is exploited either by…

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