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Patent License Agreement

A patent license agreement is an arranged understanding between a patent holder and a licensee. When the parties have arranged the particulars of an understanding, the parties enter into an agreement where the patent holder (licensor) consents to permit the…

Patent Royalty Agreement

INTRODUCTION The royalty agreement of patent means that a person having the patented products is ready to delegate his exclusive rights to some extent in the form of license to a person who shall be known as a licensee who…

Protection Of Acronyms Under Trademark Law

Acronyms are defined as the abbreviations of longer words formed by the initial letters or groups of letters of words in a set phrase. While the trademark is defined as "A mark capable of being represented graphically and which is…

Licensing Of Trademark

Trademark licensing is a process through which a registered trademark owner (licensor or proprietor), allows another party, called a licensee, to make or distribute or do both for specific products or services under the licensor's trademark agreement. The licensor receives…

Patents in Singapore

A patent is a privilege given to the creator of an invention to prohibit the invention from being made, used, imported or sold by others without permission. A patent may be secured for a product or method that offers a…

Patent Laws On Genes & Gene Sequencing

A gene can be referred to as a unit of hereditary information occupying a fixed position on a chromosome[1]. Scientists consider genes as a person’s book of life containing insights and information about her character. Many even consider that one’s…

Commentary On Compulsory Licensing Under The Patents Act, 1970

Patents provide exclusive rights to the patent proprietors over their novel creations. There is an implied expectation that the owners of the patents will work the patented inventions pragmatically on a commercial scale without any undue delay. However, in certain…

Portable, Foldable Socket-Mounted Lighting Device

This invention is portable, foldable, socket-mounted lighting device that provides illumination of light through reflection. The device is capable of being coupled to a conventional electrical wall socket for physical support thereon. The device can have coloured plastic body or…

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