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Naked Licensing

Keeping the Eminence Safe Through Naked Licensing

Introduction A trademark helps a consumer obtain goods and services of a certain quality and reduces their confusion related to the goods and services. The importance of the quality of the items offered under a brand has increased with the emergence of…


License to Translate a Literary Work

Introduction The petitioner wants to translate and publish Madeleine Slade's autobiography, "The Spirit's Trip," in Marathi. Madeleine Slade is more commonly known by her stage name, Mira Behn. According to the decision, the petitioner is prepared and eager to pay…

TM Licensing

Taxability Of Assignment And Licensing Of Trademark

Introduction An intellectual property right is an intangible right. It is uncontested that the “brand” is often the most valuable asset to a company and the brand name is solely a goodwill and incorporeal property. As trademark denotes the valuation…


Licensing in the UAE

The Federal Law of the UAE No. 17 of 2002, in the Regulation and protection of industrial property for patents and industrial designs in Article 1 clearly depicts the intent of the invention for which the patent is granted and…

Works In ‘Public Domain’ When Copyright Expires: An Overview

Introduction Literary, theatrical, musical, artistic, and architectural works, as well as films and sound recordings, are all protected under copyright law. In addition, Indian Copyright law defines 'literary works' to include books, computer programs, compilations, and tables as part of…

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